Aethoxysklerol has a venosclerotic, local anesthetic effect. Damages the vascular endothelium, causing protein denaturation, stimulates the rapid formation of a blood clot and its organization within 7 days. Aethoxysklerol reduces the excitability of nerve endings and the conductivity of pain impulse, ensuring painless sclerotherapy.
Sclerosis of varicose veins and telangiectasias, hemorrhoids; obliteration or parietal sclerosis of varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach in acute bleeding from esophageal varices and condition after it, complete portal vein thrombosis, intrahepatic block shuntrombosis, etc.
1 ml solution for injection contains polydocanol 30 mg.
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Aethoxysklerol is administered strictly IV with a horizontal or elevated 30-45 ° leg position.
The total dose of polidocanol during sclerosis of varicose veins and hemorrhoids should not exceed 2 mg / kg body weight per day. For a patient with a weight of 70 kg, it is possible, therefore, to inject up to 140 mg of polidocanol (28 ml of a 0.5% solution of Aethoxysklerol, 14 ml of a 1% solution of Aethoxysklerol, 4.6 ml of a 3% solution of ethoxsclerol).
When hardening the varicose veins of the extremities: hyperpigmentation of the skin at the site of administration of Aethoxysklerol.
When sclerosing hemorrhoids: transient pain.
When hardening the esophagus and stomach varicose veins: necrosis, ulceration and esophageal stenosis, exudation into the pleural cavity, dysphagia, fever, anaphylactic shock.
Absolute: hypersensitivity, shock, bed rest, diseases caused by arterial occlusion of III-IV degree, chronic arterial insufficiency, acute inflammatory diseases in the field of hardening.
Relative: superficial and deep (especially) vein thrombosis, edema, symptoms of diabetic microangiopathy, acute and chronic heart diseases (endocarditis, myocarditis), feverish conditions, diseases caused by arterial occlusion of the II degree (for cosmetic indications), bronchial asthma.
Strengthens arrhythmogenic activity of local anesthetics and drugs for general anesthesia.
Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and after 36 weeks; breastfeeding after administration of Ethoxyscleolol is recommended to stop for 2-3 days.
CHF in the compensation phase and stable hypertension are not contraindications for sclerotherapy.
Sclerosing drugs should not be administered in / a, because this can lead to severe necrosis and forced amputation. In case of accidental IVjecting, inject a 5-10 ml of 1-2% solution of lidocaine or mepivacaine, 500 IU of heparin into a needle left in the artery; wrap the limb with cotton and put it down; hospitalize the patient to the vascular surgery department.
The introduction of sclerosing drugs into the veins of the facial part of the skull is carried out only under strict indications.
Symptoms: with paravasal administration - necrosis.
Treatment: administration of 0.5-2 ml of 1% procaine solution or 5-20 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution in combination with hyaluronidase.
Studies and clinical trials of Polidocanol (Click to expand)